
#LRSundays, LR Sundays, Bible Reading, Weekly Reading, Faith

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” – Proverbs 3:5-6

I have to be completely honest on this one. It is often times very hard for me to 100% trust and lean on someone else, even the Lord. I often stress and worry even when something is completely out of my control. I will loose sleep, cause pimples to pop up, and be quite cranky. All because of something I am thinking about and have no control over. I’m believing in my understanding of the issue or situation rather than lifting it up to the Lord and letting him ease my stress and worry.

Slowly I am learning to do this. In my nightly talks with Him I may have a complete break down. Express the whole situation and why I am so upset over it. When I put it all out there. Talk it out with Him, I find a whole different kind of peace in the morning. It’s like he comes over me in my sleep and calms all of my thoughts. When I feel this, I am reminded that sooner, rather than later, I need to share everything with Him. He’s making my path and I need to trust him.

Everything you go through or experience you have isn’t going to be butterflies and rainbows. There’s going to be hurt, struggle, sadness, and anger but trust in Him and know you will come out of those experiences and situations stronger, happier, and more knowledgeable. It’s something I have learned little by little and am beyond thankful that I have! As I’ve also learned don’t be afraid to have a full breakdown – cry, scream, whatever it is you need to do, He will understand and He will guide you through.


  1. Emily wrote:

    This is super encouraging. I’m trying to get back to having a real relationship with Him and I absolutely LOVE reading these!


    Posted 2.13.16
    • Laura wrote:

      Thanks gal! Happy to encourage others on their journey. Love hearing these little posts can do that

      xo Laura Leigh

      Posted 2.16.16

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