New Year- New Memories – New Resolutions – New Chance

Happy New Year! Hope everyone had a great New Years Eve with friends and family. I personally had one of the best NYE’s to date. My friends and I put together a potluck (so grown up) then headed out to an all inclusive party at an Irish bar uptown. It was a wonderful night of eating, drinking, dancing, and making memories.

So as always I have a list of resolutions/goals for 2014 so I figured I’d share that way I’d be a little more pressured to keep them and make the goals happen! And hey maybe I’ll give you some ideas just in case you need to add a few more to your own list.

  • Travel more – visit at least six new places
  • Completely cut gluten from my diet – I’m not allergic to gluten but it does give me acne and now that I’m 24 I’m pretty much 100% over having acne so goodbye gluten!
  • Pay off my Nordstrom card – this was a goal last year and I did complete it but knowing myself all too well (shopaholic) I know it should be a goal again this year
  • Read the bible more – complete daily verse readings
  • Create a budget and REALLY STICK TO IT
  • Focus more attention on my blog – I want to post more often and create a better blog each month
  • Show people how much I appreciate them and all that they do. I have so many amazing people in my life that deserve to know they are wonderful and truly appreciated!
  • Run more 5ks and at least one 10k by the end of the year
