Save // Spend // Splurge 70s Vibes

The 70s are having a HUGE comeback this season from the famous flares to fringe covered! At first I wasn’t completely sold on this decade making it’s way back. I mean for a lot of us that’s when our parents grew up and were “cool” themselves. Weird right? But then I realized that I’m addicted to floppy hats, seriously falling in love with all the flared denim looks I’ve seen, and find myself wanting to add a long sleeve flowy maxi dress to my closet ASAP! I’ve rounded up the top ten 70s style pieces of the season for today’s post. Each at three different price points. So jump on the 70s vibe bus {VW bus šŸ˜‰ to be exact} and pick up a few pieces yourself. Take a look back at previous Save//Spend//Splurge posts here.

70s Style

1. Suede Skirt -This little skirt absolutely screams fall. From the color to the texture/fabric. Wear it now with bare legs and into fall with brown or burgundy tights.

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2. Bow Tied Blouse – This sweet top may not be that different than a top or two you already have in your closet. It’s classic with just a bit of flare to it. Whether it’s a larger than average bow or bell sleeves or maybe even both {giving it a real reto look}.

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3. Floppy Hat – It’s no secret that big floppy hats have a special place in my heart. I wear them year around and pretty much take whatever chance I get to wear one! They really step up any look and are the perfect chic finishing touch.

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4. Denim Skirt – Feel like you’re back in elementary school with this one?! Yes me too. Not 100% sure I’m in on this but they’re popping up everywhere! May have to try one on before I knock it too much though.

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5. Fringe Booties -Fringe is everywhere. Even on your feet! From just a little to covering the whole shoe. Personally I like the little touch more but hey why not live a little and go all out!

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6. Flared Jeans – Love, love, love! While the huge flares aren’t my thing, the small/med flare have me swooning hard. I love the way they highlight a woman’s shape, lengthen your legs, and often times are a little more high-waisted. Their also an item that tends to come style often so investing in a nice pair would definitely be worth it!

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7. Fur Vest – Another item that is high on my wish list this season! I don’t know if any of you have experienced this as well. But I’ve tried 10+ vests and have not been able to find the “right” one. It’s been a struggle! I am determined to get find the right on ASAP. Especially now that they are one of the most popular items for fall. If you have any recommendations shot them my way pppplease. I just ordered this one from Topshop so fingers crossed.

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8. Jumpsuit –  Such a fun item to rock! A jumpsuit makes a serious statement and proves you have a little sass šŸ˜‰ Rocking a jumpsuit isn’t always the easiest task as finding the right one to fit your body can be tough sometimes! I definitely recommend trying out a ton of different styles, patterns, and fabric textures to find the one that works for your body best.

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9. Fringe Handbag – One fringe piece I can 100% get behind is the handbag! I LOVE it! So fun and sassy. If you follow me on Instagram you may have seen this little number. Which packed the perfect amount of sass.

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10. Long Sleeve Midi/Maxi Dress – If your a dress addict like me you’re happy to see maxi dress are sticking around! Not to mention getting even better for the fall/winter season by having long sleeves. These sweet dresses are perfect for pairing with booties and leather jacket once the temps get even cooler.

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