LR Sunday

LR Sunday, Weekly Reading, Perfect Will “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will it is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.” – Romans 12:2

Do you ever read the verse of the day and have it match perfectly with how your feeling or what you’re experiencing? It happens to me all the time. Always when I need it most. Every single time it blows me away how that happens. God’s love and presence is truly amazing!

I had to read this verse a couple times before it truly sunk in but even from the first read, it was speaking to me.

I don’t know about y’all but I feel as though it is so easy to get lost in the pressuring, stressful, and whirlwind kind of world we live in! You need to act this way, dress that way, talk like this, complete another project, work later, finish everything off your do list by 7pm…the list never ends. We are expected to do so much and be so much. When is there time for ourselves, for God?

In the media and the world that surrounds us, there isn’t a whole lot of “me time” or time to sit back, reflect on life, and reflect on your faith. This is something I know I need to demand from the myself and the world around me. How can I see His perfect will and renew my mind if it’s constantly running through every little thing I need to get done?!

I believe this verse is the perfect reminder that we should not try to fit into the world that is around us. We shouldn’t try to please every person, cross every item off our do list, or fill all of our time with things to do but should instead take the time to renew ourselves and our minds. When we do this and reflect we have time for ourselves and our faith which will only help it to go stronger and us closer to Him.


  1. Regine Karpel wrote:
    Posted 4.11.16

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