What I Read this Spring + What’s On My Reading List

Calling this my Louella Reese spring reading list and breaking down some of my favorite  books!

Spring Reading List | What to Read 2019 | Louella Reese

five minutes with Jesus | china rich girlfriend | influencer | embraced | rich people problems

Happy Friday!! Once warmer temps roll around I find myself craving a good book. Whether it’s to read by the pool, at the beach, or on the back patio. And once I’ve become engrossed in the book, I find myself turning the tv. off early and crawling into bed to continue my reading. Definitely a better use of time, in my opinion! 

With devotionals, I typically read these in the morning but when a photoshoot or meeting calls my attention bright and early, I try to get the devotional in before bed. Joshua and I also read a couples devotional a few times a week – would you be interested in a post on the ones we have read thus far? Let me know!

Anyways, back to today’s post, I’m sharing the books I’ve read thus far this summer! From crazy entertaining to incredibly thought provoking and one in between! 

Spring Reading List | What to Read 2019 | Louella Reese

China Rich Girl Friend

I decided to read this after FINALLY seeing Crazy Rich Asians. Joshua and I both absolutely loved the movie so I thought why not. Thankfully the second book of the trilogy lived up to the movie (no real shocker there, books are always better than the movies, right?). Kevin Kwan (the author) had me hanging on every line, needing to know what would happen next! Each chapter seems to end with a  little bit of a cliff hanger which then lead me straight into the next chapter. I finished this book in no time. Truly I think it was three or four days. 

Every chapter is more entertaining than the next and the development of the characters is incredible. China Rich Girl Friend is truly one of those books you can’t put down. 

Recommendation: Yes

Rich People Problems 

The final book in the Crazy Rich Asians series and I have to say – THE MOST ENTERTAINING! This book kept me wanting more the whole time. Even more so than China Rich Girlfriend – which I didn’t think was possible! There is so much scandal, drama, and love – you’ll find yourself turning the page with worry, excitement, and/or a smile. Another book I finished in just a couple of days. Again, it was that good! Honestly, I finished the book wishing there was a fourth in the series. Kevin Kwan PLEASE!

Recommendation: Yes


An absolute must read if you’re a blogger, Instagram, you-tuber, or all of the above. This book is incredibly insightful. Full of tips, recommendations, hard truths, and encouragement from Brittany Hennessy, a Senior Director of Influencer Strategy and Talent Partnerships at Hearst Magazines Digital Media. As well as seasoned influencers who have been in the business since it began. This book was a game changer for me and I could say enough good things about it! I have recommended the book to several friends and PR companies I have worked with and all have come back to me singing it’s praises. Truly, a MUST READ!

Recommendation: Yes

Best Devotionals for Young Women | Devotionals for 20-somethings | Louella Reese
Spring Reading List | What to Read 2019 | Louella Reese

Five Minutes with Jesus 

I have chatted about these books before – in my summer reading post last year. These books were the first daily devotionals I had ever done. They definitely hold a special place in my heart and are a great way to get started with daily devotionals. They’re short, easy, and include a few verses each day to encourage you and also you’re faith journey. This particular one is actually the first of the series (there are three books), somehow I read them backwards but it honestly does not matter as they’re all a little different. Five Minutes with Jesus would make a great gift for any woman in your life. 

Recommendation: Yes


So I haven’t fully read this one yet. I’m about halfway in but SO in love with it. Truly look forward to reading it every day. This devotional has a little more substance and requires a little more time than the five minutes with Jesus books – which I really love. Each chapter (day) also includes a prayer for you to say at the end. I cannot tell you how much I love that and how often those prayers really speak to what I am going through. This is a wonderful devotional for young women (20s and 30s). 

Recommendation: Yes

Spring Reading List | What to Read 2019 - Easy, Quick Reads + Devotionals | Louella Reese

five minutes with Jesus | china rich girlfriend | influencer | embraced | rich people problems

Okay so I know I gave a yes recommendation to all of the books mentioned but I honestly loved every single one of them! Which I promise isn’t always the case – check out my summer reading list from last year – there’s a no or two there. 

Below are a few books I have on my reading list. The first one is the book I’m currently reading. I’m just a few chapters in but loving it already. Hoping this weekend is nice so I can lay by the pool and finish it!

What’s On My Reading List

The Beginning of Everything
When Life Gives You Lululemons 
Five Feet Apart

Are you on the warm weather reading train? If so, what have you read and what are you loving? I would love to hear and add some books to my list. Comment below and share!


  1. Annaliese wrote:

    I adored the Crazy Rich Asians books! I read each in 24 hours!

    xoxo A

    Posted 5.17.19
  2. Lisa Autumn wrote:

    Ahhh thank you for the inspo girl!

    x Lisa | lisaautumn.com

    Posted 5.17.19
  3. dana mannarino wrote:

    Love that these are all a YES from you!

    Dana | The Champagne Edit

    Posted 5.17.19
    • Yay! Felt a little silly having all yes recommendations but honestly loved the all so much!

      xo Laura Leigh

      Posted 5.17.19
  4. Morgan wrote:

    You know I’m terrible at keeping up with a reading schedule but I love reading (#ironic) about what books you’re loving and what’s next on the list!

    How 2 Wear It [] http://how2wearit.com

    Posted 5.17.19
  5. jasna wrote:

    These are such good recommendations 🙂 xx

    Posted 5.21.19
  6. These all seem like such great recommendations! I’ve heard the Crazy Rich Asians book is phenomenal. I haven’t read it yet, but it’s definitely on my list for this summer!

    Posted 5.21.19
  7. Lizzie wrote:

    I loved watching Crazy Rich Asians! I definitely want to read the series! Putting all of these on my list now 🙂


    Posted 5.21.19
  8. megan wrote:

    I’m always looking for a good read! Sounds like you have a pretty good summer list so far.

    Posted 5.21.19
  9. Stephanie wrote:

    I currently have the Crazy Rich Asians series on my to-read list. I’m also planning to read a couple other top book picks for the summer. I just finished Uninvited, so now I want to read Embraced. So many awesome picks here, girlfriend!

    Posted 5.21.19
    • You’re going to love it – it is a wonderful series. Oh I need to check out that Uninvited book – I’ve heard great things about it! Thanks girl friend 🙂

      xo Laura Leigh

      Posted 5.22.19
  10. Great reads! I am about to start the Crazy Rich Asians series and now I want to read Influencer! Thanks for sharing! xo

    Posted 5.22.19
    • Yay! You’re going to the love the series – it is SO good! Of course gal – glad you enjoyed the post!

      xo Laura Leigh

      Posted 5.22.19
  11. Lee wrote:

    I read influencer a few months ago as well, and it’s SO good! Such a must read for any blogger!

    Posted 5.22.19
  12. Anna English wrote:

    I’ve been looking for some book recs for my trip next month, I’m totally checking these out!

    Posted 5.22.19
  13. I will have to check out the “influencer” book – It sounds right up my alley.

    ❥ tanvii.com

    Posted 5.22.19
  14. Emily wrote:

    I loved When Life Gives You Lululemons and Five Feet Apart!

    Posted 5.22.19
  15. Embraced is next on my devotional list! I love Lysa & her words always inspire me to dig deeper into love with Christ 🙂

    -xo, Azanique | https://www.lotsofsass.com

    Posted 5.23.19
    • Yay – you will absolutely love it. It is a beautiful, inspiring book. Will definitely have to check out her other ones after I finish this one.

      xo Laura Leigh

      Posted 5.23.19
  16. Laura wrote:

    I’ve been meaning to read INFLUENCER! I’m glad you found it worthwhile. Now, I’m definitely going to get it and read 🙂

    xo, Laura

    Posted 5.24.19

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