Drinking More Water Challenge | Louella Reese

30 Day Health Challenge: Drink More Water

There are so many benefits to drinking water, especially when you’re hitting or getting close to the recommended 64oz per day. A few of those benefits include less bloating, healthier skin, a healthy digestive system, can help with weight loss and boosts performance during exercise. To read a full list of the benefits to drinking water, check out this article.

3 Pro Tips for Drinking More Water:

1. Sip first thing!

Make drinking a full glass of water one of the first things you do each morning, & it will quickly become a habit.

2. Keep a water bottle at your side at all times!

Because you won’t drink enough or even think about it if you don’t have water with you! My water bottle goes with me everywhere, and I make sure to fill it up before I head out the door. You’ll be surprised how much of your hydration goal you can knock out while sitting in traffic, heading to the store, or running errands.

3. Add flavor!

Drinking plain, filtered water can be an abrupt switch if you’re used to sweetened sodas or teas. So don’t be afraid to add flavor with fruit such as berries, oranges, lemons or limes, herbs like mint, thyme or rosemary, or veggies like cucumbers.

30 Day Health Challenge Tracking Sheets

I created these tracking sheets to help you easily keep track of your water intake daily. Each box represents an 8oz glass of water or water bottle – possibly half or 1/4 of your water bottle depending on size. Simply save to your desktop and print them off for easy access. If you’re anything like me the satisfaction of putting an X or check mark in each box is enough of a driver to make it happen!

30 Day Health Challenge | Louella Reese
30 Day Health Challenge | Louella Reese

I will be posting about the challenge via instagram stories and would love to hear from those of you participating! I would also love to make this an interactive challenge – touch base with each other via DM and if of interest create a group so we can all chat. AND at the end of the challenge there may be a giveaway for those that check-in regularly and share their tracking sheets. So if you share via Instagram stories be sure to tag me @louellareese for a chance to be featured on my stories & to be entered into the giveaway!