Search results for: “low carb day”

February 2020 Recap

Sharing my February 2020 recap – including LOTS of new purchases, a movie you MUST watch, and my new favorite restaurant in Charlotte!  on Laura Leigh: green plaid double breasted blazer | green plaid tapered pants | c/o blonde sweatshirt | c/o capsule handbag | c/o similar white booties  on Morgan: similar denim…

20 Things I Want to Make Happen in 2020

Sharing my 2020 goals and why exactly these twenty things are a priority to me! oversized scarf (comes ivory, green, navy, and moss – this is the moss color) | c/o pom-pom sweater | c/o cognac chelsea bootie | similar jeans (exact same style without the button front) | same tote…