Sharing a bunch of items on my amazon kitchen wish list – decor, small appliances, and more!

A couple of weeks ago I shared my recent amazon purchases in a post and y’all LOVED it! Several vocalized it was one of their favorite posts. So I figured you may enjoy seeing items on my Amazon wish list, specially our kitchen wish list. This wish list includes a pretty wide range of items – books, wall art, cooking utensils, small kitchen appliances, and more! Amazon truly is a one stop shop when it comes to so many items for you home. Which I think a lot of us didn’t realize until lately or may not have thought of it. Personally, I just started shopping on Amazon for home pieces within the last two weeks. Now, I’m completely addicted and it’s where I head first when searching for something.
I think we can all agree the prime shipping is a huge selling point! I am one of those instant gratification kind of people and I cannnnnot wait for an item to arrive after ordering. Amazon makes that waiting process pretty quick – sometimes even less than 24 hours. Which is pretty impressive if you ask me!
Anyways, back to today’s post topic. These are all items on my current wish list for our kitchen. Our kitchen is the very first room I plan to complete as it doesn’t need too much. A couple decor pieces for the walls, a few kitchen utensils to better match the new space, an upgraded hand soap, and some cookbooks to really help me break in our new kitchen!
date night in book | abode book | poster | Sunday suppers book | dining in book | cooking utensil set | ceramic mixing bowl | electric kettle | wall art | hand soap | spoon rest

What did we do before Amazon?? Love posts like these girl.
Juliana Grace |
Haha right? It is the absolute best. And yay – so happy to hear that!
xo Laura Leigh
OBSESSED with your kitchen!! You absolutely NEED that tea kettle!
How 2 Wear It []
Aw thank you lady! Agreed – I really do 🙂
xo Laura Leigh