Sharing my 2020 goals and why exactly these twenty things are a priority to me!

oversized scarf (comes ivory, green, navy, and moss – this is the moss color) | c/o pom-pom sweater | c/o cognac chelsea bootie | similar jeans (exact same style without the button front) | same tote in canvas, in leather, similar suede

Last week I kicked off 2020 with several recaps of 2019 – December 2019 Recap, Top 10 Best Sellers of 2019, 2019 Top 10 Blog Posts BUT today I am truly welcoming 2020 by sharing my 2020 goals. The things I want to make happen this year! From travels to business experiences to home projects and more.
While I’m not big on resolutions I am definitely BIG into making goals! Also really into writing them down as I feel that helps keep you accountable – so here we go…
Twenty things I want to make happen in 2020 – my twenty 2020 goals!

Travel to new places
This was a goal of mine last year and while I did visit a couple of new places (Amelia Island, Winston-Salem, Dunwoody, Minnesota and Beech Mountain) I would love to explore more this year. Really make 2020 the year of travel! A few spots on my list: Austin TX + Waco, Wyoming, Memphis or Knoxville Tennessee, and Beaufort.
Where do you want to travel to this year?
Attend NYFW
Morgan and I have attended NYFW the last two years and I would love to keep that tradition going! Attending Fashion Week with your best gal pal is the ultimate girls getaway! Think fashion, wine, the city, and incredible parties. It’s basically as if you’re living the Sex and the City life.
Create a couple of floral spaces in our yard
Our yard is seriously lacking landscaping. And by that I mean we have five, maybe six small bushes in front of our porch and that is it. Therefore, LOTS of planting is needed! Over Christmas break we drew out a couple of flower beds and y’all I cannot wait to see our visions come to life. I also cannot wait to see how adding some flowers and additional layers of plants change the look of our home.
Side note, we’ll also being adding mulch which is weirdly something I absolutely love! Right now we have pine straw and I know the mulch will make a BIG impact!
Share more FWTFL recipes & meal plans
If y’all caught Friday’s post highlighting the most popular posts of 2019 then you know four out of ten of them were FWTFL posts. Which showed me y’all love yourself some FWTFL. Therefore, 2020 I would love to bring you more FWTFL content. Including lots of recipes for low carb days, meal plans for low carb days, and a couple of tip posts from what I have learned being on the program for a little over a year now.
Take the time for self care each week
To be honest I am the worst at taking time for self care. I really need to invest in myself more often. Whether it’s going to get my nails down, a massage, trying out a new workout class, or simply taking myself out to lunch at my favorite spot for a relaxing break.
Take more breaks
Much like the self care topic, I am terrible at taking breaks. I truly to not know how to just sit. My need to be busy is insane! Even while watching television I find myself working on my phone or my laptop (which I’m doing right now). So I would love to force myself to take more breaks and actually not do anything – just relax and breath and get away from work.
Be more creative with my hair
Since cutting my hair short I have gotten pretty set in my ways. It’s either curled or up in a ponytail with a headband. Or a half-up when at home. So this year I would LOVE to get a little creative! Learn fun hairstyles for shorter hair. I’m thinking lots of braided dos.

Plant a fruit & vegetable garden
Our side yard has three raised garden beds – something we absolutely loved when looking at the house. A big goal for both of us is to plant ALL of the fruits and vegetables this spring season. We would also like to build paths around all of them and maybe add additional plants around those. This is a project I am crazy excited about and hope my black thumb turns green for this one!!
Learn to play the banjo
Random right? Well the banjo is an instrument I have always wanted to learn. I wish I could remember the music video but I once saw one where this gal was absolutely rocking out on one. I was BLOWN away and immediately thought she was the coolest gal I had ever seen. We inherited one from Joshua’s Pop so there is now NO excuse, I need to learn!
Do a face mask at least once a week
Can we all agree face masks feel amazing? Not to mention make your face look amazing! Want to make the time to do at least one every single week!
Spend more time with family
Family is the most important, right? With our families so close I want to plan more meals together or weekends together (for our family in Wake Forest/Cary). Last year was so hectic with weddings and bachelor/bachelorette parties that we didn’t get to spend as much time together so I want to make up for that this year!
Do more for the community
Joshua and I have really wanted to dive into our new community here in Mount Holly. We have connected a lot with our neighbors but would like to do so more. As well as doing a few things for our neighborhood. We have a couple of projects in mind – I will keep you posted as they come to life!
Create more home content
Y’all have vocalized the fact that you really love home content – especially mantle decor! So I would love to put together more home content to share with y’all. Obviously we will have lots of outdoor projects this summer we will be sharing but want to make sure I’m sharing interior projects with you as well. Maybe some more seasonal mantle decor too.
Plan more #BloggersPlanAParty content
Last year a few of my blogger gal pals and I planned a couple of really fun parties (Rosé Inspired & Filled Brunch, Garden Potting Party, and Backyard Summer Fiesta) and had the absolute best time putting them together. Plus y’all seemed to love them so I would love to plan lots more in 2020.
Any type of parties you’d be interested in us putting together for inspiration?
Do a no spend month
I have watched + read about several bloggers partaking in a no spend month and think it sounds pretty amazing. If you aren’t sure what no spend month is, it means no spending for a full month on anything extra – no clothing, no decor, no fluff. May be pretty tough but pretty amazing for sure! Thinking maybe March or April will be the month.
Have you participated? If so, what did you think of it?
Splurge on something major
By something major what I mean is I want to splurge on something fun for me 🙂 maybe a designer handbag, a furniture piece I really want, or a FULL on spa day – I‘m talking facial, massage, nails, and a fabulous lunch. I have always wanted to do this since I started getting my first big girl pay checks but never have so 2020 needs to be the year…in my opinion ha!
Do more yoga
Does yoga make anyone else feel soooo good? What about sooo long and lean? Yoga changes the game for me but for some reason I haven’t done it consistently for almost four years now. We have a yoga studio just five minutes from our house so I have no excuse, I need to make it happen and get back to that long and lean life!

oversized scarf (comes ivory, green, navy, and moss – this is the moss color) | c/o pom-pom sweater | c/o cognac chelsea bootie | similar jeans (exact same style without the button front) | same tote in canvas, in leather, similar suede

I do a face mask every Sunday night- it’s a great way to set the tone for the new week! 🙂 Such great goals and can’t wait to see you accomplish them!
xoxo A
I need to jump on that habit! Love that idea – Sundays are my favorite as well so that is perfect!
xo Laura Leigh
Love this! I’m actually about to create a post with my 20 goals!
That’s awesome gal!
xo Laura Leigh
Can’t wait to see more FWTFL content and the new hair styles you come up with! There will be two new hair accessories coming your way soon that should help with that 😉
The HER Chronicles []
Yay!! It is definitely coming your way soon. Aw – I cannot wait to receive them!
xo Laura Leigh
I’m dying to get into more yoga in 2020. I did a lot of it in 2018 and then did TRIM in 2019 and solely did my gym workouts. Time for more yoga! Loving this list of goals. And yes to more decor and hair posts!
xo Jessica
My Style Vita
Same – totally skipped out on it this past year and I can tell a difference. After just two days of doing yoga my body feels so much better! Hope 2020 is the year of yoga for us both. And thanks gal!
xo Laura Leigh
i share sooo many of these goals!! i have been nagging my husband for two years about a vegetable garden!! and couldn’t agree more about self care and taking breaks. loved this post, gf.
xx rebecca //
Hope we both get our vegetable gardens this year! And thank you gal 🙂 I really appreciate that!
xo Laura Leigh
These seem like great things to focus on for this year! I definitely can relate to the self care one and taking more time to decompress. So important and I feel like it’s easily overlooked! Xx.
Thank you Carrington! Yes, I think it is something we all need and definitely overlook, you are right!
xo Laura Leigh
Love these. Definitely echoing the self care…need to make more of that time a priority! May you crush them all this year! xoxo, Sarah
I think we all do!! Thank you 🙂 good luck to you as well!
xo Laura Leigh
You have such gorgeous style! I absolutely love this look, and I love your goals for the new year! I haven’t thought much about what changes I’d like to make for this year, and this has really encouraged me to do the same for myself. Thank you!
Aw you are so sweet, thank you Annie! Yayyy – hope you enjoy spending some time thinking about your goals for 2020 – it is honestly so nice to do and definitely motivating.
xo Laura Leigh
I totally want to crash your NYFW trip!!! It looked like so much fun last year! But then again, traveling with YOU is just fun in general!!
You are the sweetest! Thank you friend – love ya!
xo Laura Leigh
Love these! Austin, Wyoming and Tennessee are on my list too! I’m also really terrible about taking breaks… but I do love to work so there’s that ha! But I am very good with self-care and do a DIY spa day at least once a week as well as a face mask every other day. Love Yoga too! And actually.. I can play the banjo haha! 🙂 Lastly, let me know if you girls go to Sept fashion week. I’d love to meet up again! Cheers to an amazing new year and best of luck with your goals!!
Girl let’s plan one together! That would be so much fun! With you on loving work – I am so addicted to it, it’s hard for me to take a break. Love that you take a self-care and DIY spa day once a week, that is genius and also amazing. I need to do that. And can you come teach me the banjo? haha. That sounds great gal. Cheers to you as well!
xo Laura Leigh
I love these and this post! Way to go girl on the yoga front, I saw you went and loved every minute of it!
Xo Taylor
Thank you so much Taylor! You are so sweet gal!!
xo Laura Leigh
This list is so great! Good luck to you this year!!
Thank you Kileen! Appreciate it lady!
xo Laura Leigh
Girl, your goals are fantastic! I can see already that 2020 is going to be a great year for you, and I know your determination will pay off when you stick to these hopes and dreams. I’m really looking forward to watching your journey over the next year!
Aw thank you Stephanie! I really hope it is 🙂 appreciate your sweet words.
xo Laura Leigh
I have so many of the same goals including doing more in my community and sharing more home content. I moved over the summer and have been trying to get my home together to share and it is taking FOREVER! I can’t wait to share tons of home decor and shopping content 🙂
-xo, Azanique |
Girl I 100% understand! I have learned it is a slow process and that is okay! Trying to take one room at a time and make sure I LOVE everything completely before buying and before sharing. Look forward to seeing more of your home content.
xo Laura Leigh
I LOVE all of these goals!
Thank you Caitlin!
xo Laura Leigh
I love this! It is such a great list and so inspiring. I am definitely echoing the selfcare emphasis with my list for 2020.
xoxo Baylee |
Thank you so much Baylee – I really appreciate that! Here’s to more self care in 2020!
xo Laura Leigh
I also love doing yoga! I enjoy it so much more than any hardcore workout to be honest, haha. I think writing out these goals for 2020 is such a smart idea. I have to come up with my own list now! Can’t wait to see if you make it back to NYFW this year.
Isn’t it just the best? So good for mind, body, and soul. Writing them out really helps me – holds me accountable! Have fun writing yours!
xo Laura Leigh