Holiday Gift Wrapping Ideas – Wrapping Paper & Accents

I change themes every Christmas, and this year I decided to go with English countryside cottage for my theme. Which included neutral tones and touches of green. My inspiration behind it started with our living room decor and the desire to create a cozier space with additional warmth. From there I decided on two patterned wrapping papers and a simple kraft paper. I love basic kraft paper for the holiday – it is the perfect blank canvas to allow creativity when it comes to ribbon, bows, and other gift wrapping accessories.

Holiday Wrapping Paper Ideas, Christmas Gift Wrapping Ideas | Louella Reese

Holiday Gift Wrapping Ideas – Wrapping Paper & Accents

To compliment the three wrapping papers, I decided on a few simple accents; off-white ribbon, twine, and a metallic gold ribbon. As well as two charming accents to add that English countryside feel; cinnamon sticks and gold bells. I reserved the gold bells for all of the children’s gifts (my nieces and nephew) as I thought that would make unwrapping even more exciting for them.

For each wrapping paper I selected one type of ribbon and one additional accent. For the plaid, I opted for the thicker off-white ribbon and gold bells. Adding two to three bells to each package. When adding two, I selected one large and one small bell. For the packages with three bells, two small bells and one large.

With the striped wrapping paper, I went with simple twine wrapped around two to three times and a few sticks of cinnamon. The number of sticks depended on the size of the package. A few had one stick, a couple had two, and one fit three perfectly.

Since the kraft paper is such a blank canvas I had a little fun with this one. Switching it up between the thick off-white ribbon and gold metallic ribbon. The accents were also switched up depending on the package. A few with gold bells and a couple with cinnamon sticks. On two I skipped the accent and tied huge bows with the thick off-white ribbon.

The varying wrapping papers and accents created a beautiful display under the Christmas tree! Can you tell I thoroughly enjoy gift wrapping? This is a tradition I look forward to every year and want to continue forever.

Shop Our Holiday Gift Wrapping Paper + Accents & Christmas Tree Decor

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Want more holiday content? Be sure to check out the holiday page + my most recent holiday post, Fifth Annual Virtual Cookie Exchange.


  1. Morgan wrote:

    I love your theme and wrapping this year!! I think this theme should stick around for a couple of years because its so dang cute and fitting for your home!

    the HER chronicles []

    Posted 12.15.20
    • aw thank you gal! I definitely think it will – might expand/dive a little deeper into it next year!

      xo Laura Leigh

      Posted 12.16.20
  2. Lovely wrote:

    I like what you did with the kraft paper! I love the idea of adding cinnamon sticks.

    Posted 12.16.20
  3. Emily Wilkinson wrote:

    I love your wrapping this year! I change mine up every year too. This year I went more traditional with red and white stripes and for Noah we did “with love, from Santa!” I also got those jingle bells to add to gifts, too!

    Posted 12.16.20
    • thank you so much gal! I love that you change up your theme every year as well. that “with love, from Santa” paper sounds adorable!

      xo Laura Leigh

      Posted 12.17.20
  4. These are gorgeous! I love the wrapping with the bells especially. I’ve always been obsessed with bells ever since I watched Polar Express when I was younger hahha. Xx.

    Posted 12.16.20
    • aw thank you gal! you’ll definitely have to get some of these little bells then!

      xo Laura Leigh

      Posted 12.17.20
  5. Lizzie wrote:

    These are such cute ideas! I love the one with the little bells! Definitely going to use a few of these 😀


    Posted 12.16.20
    • aw thank you gal! I’m excited for my nieces and nephew to see them – think they’ll love the bells.

      xo Laura Leigh

      Posted 12.17.20
  6. Rach wrote:

    Oh my I love your wrapping paper! I also love to use Kraft paper. Such a fun way to get creating!

    Posted 12.16.20
  7. Your wrapping is so cute! I always want to have cute presents, but then never go for!

    Posted 12.16.20
  8. Gift wrapping is one of my favorite activities ever since I was a kid. I love all of these ideas.

    Posted 12.16.20
  9. Stephanie wrote:

    I’m crazy about this stunning Christmas wrapping theme. The colors are so on-brand for you, which is really satisfying haha! I usually just pick out some matching bags and wrapping paper from Target and call it a day -but maybe in the future, I’ll put together an aesthetic like this. You’re inspiring me!

    Posted 12.16.20
    • aw thank you so much gal! I totally agree – very satisfying haha. so happy to hear I’m inspiring you 🙂 hope you have fun with it!

      xo Laura Leigh

      Posted 12.17.20
  10. Love how your gifts turned out…especially the special touches! xoxo, Sarah

    Posted 12.17.20
  11. Your theme and style are so adorable! I like the different accents that you have added. Nice touch with the cinnamon.

    Posted 12.17.20
    • aw thank you gal! the cinnamon was such an affordable, simple addition but added so much!

      xo Laura Leigh

      Posted 12.18.20
  12. Emely wrote:

    Your gift look absolutely stunning. I love using Kraft paper for all our gifts year round. It’s like our signature now. Everyone knows those are our gifts. You have definitely inspired me to add special touches to them.

    Posted 12.21.20
    • aw thank you so much! I agree – it’s a great paper to use year around. so happy you received some inspiration from the post!

      xo Laura Leigh

      Posted 12.21.20

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